Identifying macro trends in global markets is fundamental to HCM’s investment approach and portfolio allocation.
Designed to be an emotionless and mathematically driven process
Signals when to move to cash and/or lower risk investments during market declines
Greater capital might be available to reinvest during market advances
We practice active money management. We do not believe in buy and hold, nor do we favor asset allocation. We must be strategic and tactical to bring our best defense against a market that does not think or feel.
There can be no guarantee that the HCM-BuyLine® indicator will perform as anticipated. Stoploss protection will not necessarily limit your losses to the desired amounts due to the limitations of the HCM-BuyLine®, market conditions, and delays in executing orders. It is not an actual stoploss order that automatically sells securities in the portfolio at a certain price. There can be no guarantee that the HCM-BuyLine® indicator will perform as anticipated. Stoploss protection will not necessarily limit your losses to the desired amounts due to the limitations of the HCM-BuyLine®, market conditions, and delays in executing orders. It is not an actual stoploss order that automatically sells securities in the portfolio at a certain price.